We often look up to stars and feel peace, but stars are actually insanely turbulent and chaotic celestial things and we use that chaos to learn more about how our universe works. We have known of stars eating other stars, witnessed stellar flares and white dwarves on the verge of a supernova. But we have … Read more

AI | How AI Learn

When a newborn baby enters the world as a clean slate He/She learn and develop to be an adult. Babies have an innate knowledge that helps them to voraciously learn and rapidly adapt. But that’s not what AI does. In case of AI, it’s machine learning. That’s when a computer learns everything it needs to know … Read more

List Of Food To Strengthen Your Bones

The Bones of our body maybe sturdy enough to transport us all day every day but, they are vulnerable too. Bones may lose their strength if neglected. We have listed this 11 foods that can strengthen your bones and put that spring back. So Let’s get Down to it. 1.Eggs Scrambled or boiled, eggs can … Read more